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Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 RESULTS
a small bottle of CBD oil beside sliced lemons and a cup of tea on top of a chopping boardBlog

Ways the Elderly Can Benefit from CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained popularity in the US for various disorders. Many elderly individuals explore it for depression, pain, and health issues. Ongoing research delves into its benefits. Additionally, some are turning to innovative options like “amanita gummies” for a unique CBD experience, blending the therapeutic potential of cannabidiol with the distinctive qualities of amanita mushrooms.
Please note that combining CBD with other substances should be done cautiously, and consulting a healthcare professional is advisable. To learn more about …


Top 3 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Medical Exercise Specialist for Post-Surgery Purposes

When you have just gotten through surgery and are on your way to recovery, or when you have certain health conditions, which require you to do exercise programs, it is best to do the exercises under the supervision and guidance of a medical exercise specialist.
Don’t hinder yourself from a speedy recovery. Primary care doctors can do the job and don’t risk doing further injury to your body.
Here are three reasons why you need to hire a Medical Exercise Specialist:

They have the knowledge and expertise so they will be able to build a safe and effective conditioning or …

CBD Oil for Elderly PeopleBlog

What You Should Know About Using CBD Oil for Elderly People

Many people, including the elderly, utilize CBD oil and CBD Gummies in Canada to relieve the symptoms of various health problems, such as arthritis pain and even epilepsy. (According to this survey results)
In fact, according to a 2020 nationally representative Consumer Reports study, 20% of Americans aged 65 and over have consumed CBD oil, an increase from the 14% reported the year before.
However, it’s vital to remember which illnesses CBD oil can support and whether it would be safe for use by seniors.
Is CBD Oil Beneficial?
The endocannabinoid …

Seniors Who SmokeBlog

Health Challenges of Seniors Who Smoke

What is the best age to stop smoking e-juices? Well, the most straightforward and accurate answer to that is any age, literally. There will always be a good reason to stop smoking, whether it is for your health or your family’s. There has been a false assumption that it is already impossible for many seasoned smokers to quit smoking or vaping.
There is also another fallacy that all smokers no longer have the willpower to quit. People assume that once you start smoking, you might quit in the meantime and then just get back to your smoking …


Providing the Proper Care for Your Loved One

Caring for an elderly person is not an easy task. There are a lot of details which you have to pay attention to and it is both physically and mentally demanding.
A family member could indeed care for the elderly relative. However, there are times that it can take a toll on the family member to watch over the elderly because he or she might have to wake up in the middle of the night when the elderly needs to go to the washroom or there might be times when the elderly would not listen to the instructions and this might cause friction in the family.
To properly care for your loved one, it is best to hire a caregiver who has been…


Fighting Loneliness with Companionship

Seniors are often taken for granted. It’s not that their families don’t care about them. It’s just that they have their own families, they’re busy juggling two to three jobs at the same time, and have other matters to attend to.
“There are days when I feel empty because I was so used to having my wife as a partner in everything I did. Now that she’s passed, I find myself alone thinking more about her.” – Arnold says of his life after the death of his wife.
“Now that I have Jeff, he’s more of a buddy and we get to talk and discuss anything about our interests, go out and …


Practice Social Distancing – Better Safe than Sorry

COVID-19 is an eye-opener and it has surely taught us a lot of lessons. The most basic of them all – being cautious and mindful of yourself and the people around you.
To exercise caution, measures have been put in place and implemented. One of which is practicing social distancing. For now, it is the only method we can do to be of help to ourselves and everyone around us. By doing so, we can help flatten the curve and give hospitals enough time to attend to those who are in dire need of assistance.
We owe it to ourselves, to our families and relatives, and even to everyone else to be responsible enough to practice social …